Q Hi, I’m looking to cut down on my household bills, the last couple of months they have been really high and I need to find a way to reduce them. Can you help?
A There are lot of ways you can cut down your household bills. First and foremost I’d recommend shopping around for providers on comparison sites to see if you can get a better rate elsewhere. Also, simple things like turning down the thermostat a couple of degrees, making sure you turn off lights when you leave rooms and unplugging electrical items not in use will all help to reduce your monthly bills.
Q Hi, the school holidays are fast approaching and I’d like to take my children out for few days, but it all adds up by the time you’ve travelled there, paid entry fees, eaten food out and been round the gift shop. Are there any cheap days out you’d recommend?
A Yes it does all add up, but there are plenty of free things to do. I’d recommend a trip to the park where you can take a homemade picnic and why not invite some of their friends along too and make a day of it!